Pickies is a by women, for women beer brand designed to reimagine the beer drinking experience into something fun, fresh, and feminine. In a malt dominated world, Pickies brings new and exciting flavors to the beer scene. With four fruity flavors to choose from, Pickies provides beer lovers with a relaxed drinking experience.
INSTITUTION: Tyler School of Art and Architecture
INSTRUCTOR: Keith Somers
ELEMENTS: Branding, Packaging, Layout

While being tired of the popular beer brands out on the market, Pickies focuses on bold color, unique flavor, and illustrative design to stand out from the competition. Each flavor brings their own unique look and personality that is perfect for the picky person. Although there are already fruit flavored beers on the market, they haven't been done like this before.

Opting for black cans and bold illustrations, Pickies creates a sense of mystery between the product and the customer. Each element throughout Pickies is designed to be vibrant, such as the script logo that is not only energetic, but feminine.